Freedom through Airbnb investing - are you curious how to find that? Freedom is defined as: the power to live as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Just think about that for a moment. Are you living a life without hindrance or restraint? Are you doing the things you love with people you love? Freedom is the oxygen of the soul. Are you breathing deeply?

Sadly, most of us aren't experiencing freedom. We're caught up in jobs we don't enjoy, situations that drain us, and spend more time wishing we could do things/see/be with people we love than actually spending time with them. How do you flip this sad, frustrating script?
Something fundamental has to change for your life and the way you live it to change. For us, Airbnb investing led to financial freedom to start living our lives in freedom. We no longer needed 9-5 jobs, and stopped being chained to our desks! We started going out for lunch dates, working out together in the mornings, and attending our son's school sporting events in the middle of the afternoon. These may sound like small things, but they were steps towards complete freedom from the narrative that had dictated our professional lives since our 20's.
Then, we moved to Greece for a family adventure. THAT is freedom! Freedom through Airbnb investing made it possible to move to another country for a year. It was truly living life on our own terms! How was it possible? Using software and employing great housekeepers, we were able to manage our 7 Airbnb investments from halfway across the globe.
You may not want to move to Greece, but you probably wish you could take more than a week's vacation with your loved ones, or dream of volunteering with a cause you are passionate about. There's a way to do that! Learn about Airbnb investing. We wrote a 12-step book to guide you through the process creating freedom through Airbnb investing. Why? Becuase we want more people to live lives that they love with the people they love. We truly believe this is a way to help make the world a better place one person, couple, and family at a time.
Have questions? We're happy to spend 30 minutes talking to you about Airbnb investing. It makes us happy! So, schedule a time on our calendar to start flipping the script of your life and attaining freedom.